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Calligraphy lesson in Tianjin University

Calligraphy lesson in Tianjin University

During the one month study trip in Tianjin, we went through cultural classes and visited design museums which expanded my knowledge in Chinese cultures and the lifestyles.

A School in the rural district

A School in the rural district

A 2 hours drive to a rural school in Tianjin where we had the chance to experience a day in the life's of these students. Photo: our student buddies daily stretching exercise routine

Our last meal in Tianjin

Last meal in Tianjin

Photo: course mates that went on the trip together

NP Ambassador X NP OH 2020

NP Ambassador X NP OH 2020

Bus Guide x Bus Uncles

NP Ambassador X NP OH 2020

NP Ambassador X NP OH 2020

End of Open House 2020

Stage Production Prep

Stage Production Prep

I was in stage production's in preparations for Red Camp 2019

Chiangmai Overseas Community Involvement Programme

Overseas Community Involvement Programme - Chiangmai

Categories into different teams, I was part of 'Team English' -Given a 3 months period to plan lesson plans for the kids. -softskills include: teamplayer, adaptability, lesson planning, resilience Grateful to be given a chance to experience such a meaningful trip.

Leather Craft workshop X MINDS School

Leather Craft workshop X MINDS School

ocial enterprise workshop in Ngee Ann by the makers academy and this a photo depicting my buddy for the workshop where I guide him to create a keychain from scratch. He is a student with autism and has some trouble concentrating but i believe that the results warmed his mother's heart. These kids have very low chances of employment which is why this workshop was introduced however despite this skills, few of them manage to find a job. Even with a job found, the pay is so measely compared to any able bodied, not even enough to cover daily expenses. This workshop got me thinking about how much disadvantage they are in, having to rely on their parents til old age. It must be tough on both them and their families.




I was part of the English team where our main task was to create safe yet effective lesson plans for the kids there. We later met with many rejections by teachers until we perfected our lesson plans and created our props to purchase our gifts yet at the same time staying within budget. Yet none of this was actually carried out according to plan. The kids there were less attentive than we expected, with much-losing attention due to hunger and during our house visits to a few of the student's houses, we later realised the reasons. Adapting and empathising were definitely the two key learning points I took away from this trip.




This was a trip for students from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, School of Design & Environment students. During the trip, we got to live a short life of a Chinese university exchange student where we stayed in school dormitories and had our fair share of roaming the city. Tianjin was part of an eco-city movement in collaboration with Singapore. We got the chance to visit the dedicated museum that exhibited the plans for Tianjin. Not only that, but we have also visited many other design museums with rich Chinese heritage and culture. We were also taught lessons on Chinese Art and Culture such as Chinese calligraphy. I hope that in the future, I would be able to pursue my studies there in the future.

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